A snowman-building contest is taking place across Montreal (PHOTOS)

Jan 18 2021, 9:04 pm

Without exaggeration, this past weekend had the best climate to build a snowman across Montreal.

There was over 20 cm of snowfall and the temperature was mild enough to be able to create all kinds of wild (or traditional) snow sculptures.

There was an endless supply of snow, warm weather, and quite frankly, nothing else to do. What more could you want if you’re a fan of snow-building?

Plus now, thanks to the City of Montreal, you might even be able to turn your snow creations into a few bucks.

Montreal’sย Concours bonhommes de neigeย is a contest split up into seven categories. The public visits the Ville de Montreal website and votes on their favourites. The top-ranking snow sculpture in each category wins gift cards for a variety of places, restaurants, and events.

The prize pool is split up as follows:

  • $50 gift cards for the winners of each individual category (ages 3 to 5, 6 to 12, 13 and older, and those considered “professionals”)
  • $150 gift card for winners in a family
  • $250 gift card for winners of a preschool group
  • $350 gift card for winners of a primary or elementary school group

To be eligible for prizes, snow sculptures can be submitted in “any form,” says the Ville de Montreal, either in the form of a human, animal, vegetal, fantastical, or traditional snowman.

Here are how some of the many snowmen that were built over the weekend stack up, literally:


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