Quebec reports lowest COVID-19 case increase since September

Mar 2 2021, 4:23 pm

Quebec public health has reported the province’s lowest daily COVID-19 increase since the end of September.

The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux has added 588 COVID-19 cases within the last 24 hours, the lowest daily increase in the province since September 23, when 582 new cases were announced.

Public health has also added eight new deaths to the provincial total, one of which occurred over the past day. Six deaths were attributed to dates between February 23 and 28, and one was from earlier in February.

The number of hospitalizations increased by 16 compared to Monday, for a cumulative total of 628 across Quebec. Among these, the number of people in intensive care increased by one for a total of 121.

Since Monday morning, 16,458 doses of vaccine were administered for a total of 455,328 across the province.

There are now 288,941 COVID-19 cases across the province, 271,156 recoveries, 10,407 deaths, and 2,775,185 negative tests.

Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

Last week, Premier François Legault said Quebec would begin giving the COVID-19 vaccine to the general public.

Legault said in a few weeks, all vulnerable people will be vaccinated across the province and said that while encouraging, it will “take some weeks before the vaccine has its full impact.”

SantĂ© Quebec advises residents to “frequently wash” their hands (for 20 seconds with soap and water), use alcohol-based disinfectant, respect the measures regarding private gatherings, and limit travel as much as possible.

The distribution of deaths in Quebec by age group is as follows:

The distribution of provincial cases per age group is as follows:

Canada’s COVID-19 death toll is now 22,028, along with 871,004 total cases.

DH Montreal StaffDH Montreal Staff

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