Quebec to ban sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035

Nov 16 2020, 6:11 pm

As part of Quebec’s plan to tackle climate change, the government has unveiled its five-year $6.7-billion green recovery plan, headlined by banning the sale of new gas-powered vehicles, starting in 2035.

During a Monday morning press conference, Premier François Legault said the province’s green recovery plan would help cement Quebec as the “green battery of northeast America.”

According to the Quebec government website, the green recovery plan is the “climate change policy framework that engages Quebec in an ambitious project to lay the groundwork for a green economy by 2030.” Officials say the plan is both “resilient to climate change” and more prosperous.

The plan will help Quebec achieve its reduction target goal by 2030, specifically a 37.5% reduction compared to carbon emission levels from 1990. It will also strengthen the province’s capacity to adapt to the consequences of climate change.

As per the government, Quebec’s electricity is derived from more than 99.8% renewable sources, mainly hydropower.

The province’s focal point is to replace currently consumed fossil fuels with Quebec-produced green energy. As a result, Quebec will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, causing “investments in our local economy will grow,” says Legault.

Other green recovery plan targets include:

  • Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
  • No sales of new gasoline-powered vehicles as of 2035.
  • 55% of city buses and 65% of school buses electrified by 2030.
  • 100% of governmental cars, SUVs, vans and minivans and 25% of pickup trucks electrified in 2030.
  • 15% ethanol in gasoline by 2025 and 10 % in biodiesel by 2030.
  • 50% reduction of emissions related to heating for buildings by 2030.
  • 60% reduction in emissions from government buildings by 2030.
  • 10% renewable natural gas (RNG) in the network by 2030.
  • 50% increase in bioenergy production by 2030.
  • 70% of off-grid systems energy supply from renewable sources by 2025.


Quebec’s ban on new gas-powered vehicles will not apply to commercial vehicles or the sales of second-hand cars. By 2030, the government wants to have 1.5 million electric vehicles on the road in the province.

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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