A massive Zombie Walk will take over Montreal next month

Sep 29 2017, 2:47 am

Get out your favourite fake blood recipe and select some creepy clothing options, the Montreal Zombiewalk is coming back to town on Saturday, October 28.

The ghoulish stroll around downtown is the city’s largest annual flashmob. Organizers say the Zombiewalk grows larger every year, and costumes continue to get gorier and grosser. Check out a few examples from last year:

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Before you head out, there are some guidelines to keep in mind:

You are responsible for all your body parts and your blood. Please leave no traces behind.

Respect all security rules of transit: walk only on the sidewalks, cross the streets only at the intersections and when the light is green. Do not play around with or block traffic. No touching cars or pedestrians

There is no need to exaggerate. The people around you will be already petrified in seeing this mob of zombies coming towards them. Avoid any confrontation by not threatening or disturbing any human being that does not seem interested in the parade.

The children are not very nutritious, avoid going too close to them.

No foul play, vandalism, or other illegal activities will be tolerated.

No alcoholic beverages or drugs, please!

No weapons or fake weapons of any sort will be tolerated. This rule will also serve for zombie killers. This is something that is imposed on us by the authorities in order to allow us to follow through with the walk.

Do not act in a violent manner or violate any private or commercial property.

Please stay together as one group.

If you have any questions, you may direct them to the creatures with bright ORANGE T-SHIRTS.

Play the role of your character. Make noise and act as if you are starving for some juicy brains!!!

Have fun!!!

Marche des Zombies de Montréal

Where: Place des Festivals

When: Saturday, October 28

Time: 1 pm

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