More COVID-19 measures have been lifted across Quebec as of today

Feb 21 2022, 2:44 pm

Earlier this month, Quebec Premier François Legault announced more details of the province’s gradual reopening plan, some of which went into effect last week.

After Legault announced a slow reopening plan for the province, he said most public health measures would be lifted across the province by March 14.

He says the government will revaluate its strategy concerning the vaccine passport and mask mandates by mid-March.

On February 14, the rules regarding fitness centres, spas, and outdoor event capacities were loosened.

Since it’s often difficult to keep track of what’s reopening seemingly every few weeks, here’s a quick guide for the new COVID-19 health restrictions across Quebec as of February 21.

Large venues

  • Theatres can now hold up to 50% of their maximum capacity
  • Arenas like the Bell Centre and Centre Videotron can now operate at 50% capacity

Recreational activities

  • Bowling alleys, arcades, and other recreational centres can now also reopen their doors
  • Capacity for outdoor events has increased to 5,000 people

Places of worship

  • Showing your vaccination passport is no longer required to access places of worship and attend funerals

Up next (as February 28):

  • Indoor sports tournaments and competitions can resume
  • Places of worship and theatres, with the exception of large arenas like the Bell and Vidéotron centres, will be able to open at full capacity
  • Bars and casinos will be allowed to open at half capacity, although dancing and karaoke will remain prohibited until March 14