Wild elephant makes itself at home at Sri Lankan hotel (VIDEO)

Jan 21 2020, 6:35 pm

Most people anticipate other guests when staying at a hotel. They may be tall, they may be reserved, and they may even carry a trunk.

However, they typically aren’t elephants.

In a video shared on Twitter by user , a wild elephant can be seen wandering around the Jetwing Yala Hotel in Sri Lanka like it owns the place.

Sent to the user by her mother, the video depicts the elephant graciously tip-toeing its way through the hotel, curiously looking around and pausing periodically to investigate various items with its trunk.

In one instance, you can see the gentle giant knocking over a lamp in one of the rooms.

The tweet has received nearly seven million views, with many Twitter users revelling in the adorable inquisitiveness and calm demeanour of the animal.

Other users were quick to make jokes and puns regarding the situation.

After the tweet gained popularity, the hotel reached out to the user and offered to host her for free. Instead, she requested that they donate the cost of a free room to local elephant conservation.

The family of the hotel later explained that the elephant’s name is Natta Kota, and he has been a regular on their grounds since 2013.

According to another tweet by @upidaisy, “He comes & goes in peace, takes naps & “steals” food from the kitchens. He’s free and gentle and well-loved by the staff.”

After the tweet went viral, Jetwing Yala Hotel uploaded a video to its YouTube channel entitled “Get to know Natta Kota,” explaining that the playful bull has made himself a “celebrity amongst guests.”

However, they do emphasize that while he is a frequent visitor to their hotel, guests should be reminded he is still a wild elephant, and they would like him to remain as such.

In that regard, visitors should respect the animal’s space, refrain from feeding him, and avoid using flash photography.

Mapped has reached out to Jetwing Yala hotel for a statement.

Emily RumballEmily Rumball

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+ Mapped