Woman-owned weed delivery service making waves in accessibility and representation

Mar 8 2019, 12:52 pm

There are an approximate 330,758 registered medicinal cannabis patients in Canada, according to Stats Canada’s latest collection of data. Many of these medical cannabis patients rely on their medicine to perform basic daily tasks: avoiding debilitating pain, migraines, and seizures.

While cannabis may be readily available for most Canadians, many mobile-impaired medical patients suffer through the lack of accessibility. Entrepreneur Kid Potter aims to fill that void, all whilst creating job opportunities for marginalized groups.

After watching her cousin and best friend go through treatment for stage-four cancer, Potter realized that highly-fatigued and mobile-impaired medical patients needed an accessible cannabis purchasing system.

“I saw how much these products helped them get through chemotherapy,” Potter explains, as medical cannabis helped both her cousin and best friend combat the ugly side-effects of chemotherapywhich greatly contributed to their quality of life during treatment.

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Moved by the lack of purchasing accessibility, with a decade in the tech and on-demand industry, Potter began to form what is now Order Jane; the Vancouver-based cannabis delivery service that is breaking borders by making medicine accessible to all.

“Cannabis needs to be accessible to people who have disabilities, people who are battling illnesses, and people who have general mobility issues. We have tons of customers who thank us for giving them that relief without having to leave the house,” explains Potter.

Unlike government mail services, customers ordering through Order Jane receive same-day delivery, with an estimated one to two-hour time expectancy from their facility, to your door. Customers are able to choose from a variety of premium cannabis flowers, edibles, tinctures, vape pens and cartridges, concentrates, topicals, accessories, and pre-rolled joints.  Their wide range of products includes both THC and non-psychoactive CBD products.

After completing an order through the companies website, customers are able to track their driver by a link sent via text.

“It’s like tracking an uber,” explains Potter, as the received link displays the delivery service in real-time, like a text tracking link from a taxi.


Visually-impaired customers are able to place orders by using the voice function on their phone to either call or text the company; empowering customers who may otherwise be reliant on a loved one or healthcare assistant.

While Order Jane may have emerged due to flaws found in an inaccessible system, Potter explains that customers are choosing her discrete ordering system for a number of reasons.

“[Customers won’t] be spotted in a dispensary, or whatever it is that is preventing them from purchasing, because of that stigma,” Potter explains as Order Jane’s system is door-to-door and completely confidential.

Promoting safe driving, Potter hopes her easy ordering system and quick order turnover will also keep those already under the influence off the roads, combating the widespread concern of intoxicated drivers.

Grounded in socially-aware ethics, Potter’s main aim to provide customers with accessibility to premium products, a stress-free system that enables patients to purchase with ease, and respectful confidentiality; she extends these socially-aware ethics into every corner of her business practice, keeping in mind the power and responsibility that comes along with being a business owner.

“Being a queer woman founder, diversity in my team is just as important as the [marginalized] consumers we are targeting,” she says.

The company is currently Vancouver’s (and the Lower Mainland’s) only all-female, queer founded, cannabis delivery service. While the cannabis industry is mainly cis-male dominated, Potter believes the budding industry holds many advantages.

“It’s only ever made me louder,” she says, in regards to the lack of diversity she has experienced in other industries.

“Because the industry is so new, it’s actually growing in a time where people really value diversity more than ever. That is the huge benefit this industry has, over other industries.”

With future plans to include other members of marginalized groups, Order Jane sets a new precedent for the already eco-friendly industry, to further expand their standards of ethics.

“Eventually, I would want to get to a point where all of my live-chat agents are people who are hard of hearing […] I really do value diversity in my company, and in my previous companies as well. I think this is a really awesome space for queer people and people of minorities, in general, to move into early, so we can avoid the lack of diversity the technology industry holds.”

Jamila PomeroyJamila Pomeroy

+ Grow