It'll soon cost more the next time you park downtown in Edmonton

Apr 12 2023, 7:57 pm

Get ready to pay a little bit more for parking the next time you drive downtown.

On May 1, the City of Edmonton will increase hourly parking rates from $3.50 to $4.5o in places where street parking is in high demand, and monthly parking rates will increase from $315 to $350 at all City-owned parkades.

The locations where hourly rates will increase are:

  • 103rd Street between 102nd and 103rd Avenue
  • 104th Street between Jasper Avenue and 104th Avenue
  • Rice Howard Way

In addition, operating hours for all city-managed EPark zones will be 8 am to 9 pm, Monday to Saturday, and free curbside parking will be adjusted from 30 minutes down to 15.

“The City of Edmonton is updating the EPark program to respond to current parking demands and the needs of our growing city,” wrote the City in a news release.

“These changes are consistent with other Canadian cities that have adjusted pricing in response to parking demand.”

More EPark zones are also on the way. Starting June 1, 13 new zones will be added in the following areas:

  • Three zones in the 124th Street Business Improvement Area
  • Five zones in the Old Strathcona Business Improvement Area
  • Two zones in the Kingsway Business Improvement Area
  • Three zones in the Downtown Business Improvement Area

Also, “parking for electric vehicle charging only” signs will be installed at 22 public electric vehicle charging locations to ensure these stalls are being used as intended.

The City also noted it will remove 68 current EPark zones in low-demand areas and convert them into two or three-hour time-restricted zones.

Enforcement will be relaxed from May 1 to May 15 to give people time to get used to the changes, but after that, full enforcement will resume.

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