"Not safe right now": Canadian reporter removes CTV logos from vehicle

Feb 9 2022, 9:10 pm

A Canadian reporter captured the moment CTV logos were removed from a work vehicle, citing safety as a reason for the removal.

Jeremy Thompson of CTV News Edmonton tweeted the photos of the removal, adding, “I am proud of the excellent and vital work we do, perhaps more important now than ever. I’m proud to represent that in public, but it’s just not safe right now.”

“This is a sad day for me. @ctvedmonton has made the decision to remove the branding from our vehicles for safety,” Thompson tweeted.


The tweet has garnered thousands of likes, with support and reaction coming from journalists across North America.

Late last month, The Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) urged newsrooms to consider safety options for their reporters covering “Freedom Convoy 2022,” as threats of violence and harassment towards journalists increased.

Daily Hive has reached out to CTV Edmonton for comment.

Laine MitchellLaine Mitchell

Laine Mitchell is the Alberta Editor based in Edmonton. He grew up in a small town west of the capital region, where he also landed his first job as a reporter at a radio station. After that, he moved on to CTV News Edmonton in 2018, before joining Daily Hive in 2021. In his downtime he can be found running in the river valley, grabbing coffee with friends, jetting off to enjoy the mountains, or listening to Taylor Swift. Laine also enjoys spending hours discussing pop culture, current events, and everything in between.

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