New survey wants to see what Albertans think of Daylight Savings Time

Nov 19 2019, 10:54 pm

Nothing quite compares to the gut-wrenching feeling of seeing the setting sun by 4:30 pm in the dead of winter, but Albertans may just be able to change that.

The Albertan government wants to hear your thoughts on ending the practice of changing our clocks twice a year, with a new survey.

Under Daylight Savings, Albertans set their clocks forward one hour to observe daylight saving time from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday of November.

“We know people have strong opinions about changing their clocks twice a year, and we want to hear them,” said Nate Glubish, Minister of Service Alberta.

“As more Canadian provinces and territories and some American states are having discussions about this, it’s important that we hear from Albertans.”

In October 2019, legislation was tabled in British Columbia to move to summer hours all year, which begs the question if its neighbouring province will follow suit.

Currently, Saskatchewan, Arizona, and Hawaii do not change their clocks.

“Earlier this year, the EU voted to abolish seasonal time changes by 2021. In North America, we’re seeing provincial and state governments table and pass legislation to do the same. It’s time for Alberta to have a serious conversation about this,” said Glubish.

Whether you’re all for the change, or want things to stay the same — you now have a chance to make your thoughts heard.

The survey will close on December 10, 2019.

Rumneek JohalRumneek Johal

Rumneek is a contributor at Daily Hive, who runs on iced coffee, sarcasm and self-deprecating humour. She thinks she's funny on twitter @rumneeek

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