7 versatile hobbies you can do in every season

Jul 22 2023, 4:00 pm

Hobbies are a great way to relieve stress and have some much-needed downtime.

But, it can be hard to know what type of hobby to try. This is especially true when the hobby isn’t suited to the season ā€” no one wants to play a soccer game in the middle of Vancouver’s snowy weather.

Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of hobbies for you to try that can be done inside or outside, making them the perfect pastime the whole year round.


painting outdoors


Arts and crafts make up a big part of our childhood, but it seems to stop as we grow older and life gets in the way. But it doesn’t have to. You can head to your local Michael’s and pick up all the supplies you need to create your own little masterpiece. The best part is you can do it from the comfort of your own home, or you can bring it to a park and set up a mini studio there. You won’t realize how much time has passed once you start painting and get lost in the art.


yoga indoors


Finding a hobby that gets in your exercise without having to leave your house is a rare thing. Yoga is the perfect hobby for this. You can lie out a yoga mat or even a towel and practice all the downward dog, and tree poses your heart desires. But, if you want a more social aspect to it, you can head out of your house for a quick yoga class. A bonus is that while it stretches you out, it can also be a great excuse to let go of your seriousness and laugh, as you’re bound to fall over at some point.


photography outside


Taking photos is a lot of fun, and it doesn’t just have to be something you do on holiday. Wander outside and capture the quirks and idiosyncrasies of the places around you — it could be as simple as a funky-looking plant! When it gets colder, you can get creative with set-ups in your house. Dress up a friend in avant-garde outfits and do an experimental photoshoot from your living room. Before you know it, you might even have a new freelancing opportunity.

Knitting and crocheting


Natalia Sokko/Shutterstock

Picking up a crochet stick or knitting needles guarantees a tranquil time. The motion of the crafting will feel incredibly therapeutic and take away from any stresses you have. While it’s a perfect winter activity to create warm and cozy pieces, you can also make several spring and summery based projects, including fruit bags and bucket hats. Go to YouTube for some tutorials, and you’re all set for a simple yet fun pastime.


writing cafe


Sometimes with the week’s rush, all we need is to sit down and collect our thoughts. One of the best ways to do this is by putting pen to paper. You can write whatever you feel like. Maybe you take your favourite journal by the fireplace and jot down what you did throughout the day. Perhaps, you take your laptop to a local coffee shop and start writing a poem or a chapter for a book idea you had. Your imagination is limitless, and writing is a great way to express creativity.


dancing at home


The endorphins you release when you dance make it the ideal mood-lifting hobby. You can find tons of dance lessons for all ability levels outside of your house. Try hip-hop, ballet, salsa, you name it. If you’re a bit more shy about your abilities, you can simply clear your living room and follow along to a dance tutorial on YouTube. Sometimes it’s nice to feel how your body moves along with a song, and you don’t have to be a good dancer to enjoy it.


reading outdoors

Manop Boonpeng/Shutterstock

This classic pastime will never grow old. With the amount of books out there, you’re bound to find something that catches your eye. It could be a mysterious thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat, or maybe it’s a cooking book helping you develop your culinary skills. Whatever your favourite genre is, you can curl up with a book and a blanket at home for the ultimate comfy night in, or take your book to the beach and bask in the sun.

Which one of these hobbies will you try next? Let us know in the comments.