Solo tourists apparently love visiting this Canadian spot the most

Sep 7 2024, 7:00 pm

If you are thinking of travelling alone this year, a new ranking might help you narrow down your list to places where you won’t feel horrifically lonely.

According to the travel website Kayak, Berlin, Germany, is the best place to travel internationally alone. But sitting pretty in second place is Canada’s own West Coast darling: Vancouver.



According to Kayak, Berlin is perfect for a single trip because of its techno clubs, art scene, and history. In this eclectic and culturally diverse city, you can also enjoy the famous currywurst, döner kebab, and schnitzel.

sport cities

Berlin, Germany. (Shutterstock)

Now, back to us. While the ranking is part of their international list, for Canadians, this trip might not be all that far. Vancouver, British Columbia, received a 90% solo score thanks to its craft beer scene, nature, and adventure.

vancouver commute


According to Kayak, its average hotel prices didn’t deter people from rating this spot so highly, but at $347 per night, it’s nearly double what it would cost to stay solo in Berlin.


Downtown Vancouver’s West End neighbourhood. (Harry Beugelink/Shutterstock)

However, food prices in the two cities are fairly similar, with both about $34 per average meal. We know a lot of cheap eats in the city where you could dine out for less.

Sushi Hyun

Jeremy Liebman/Shutterstock

There are many things you can do alone in the city, so much so that we’ve rounded up seven of our solo adventures in Vancouver that are perfect for dating yourself.

Other spots that made the rankings? Montréal, Paris, Milan, Dublin, Toronto, Dubai, and Mexico City.

Where do you want to travel this year? Let us know in the comments below!