Gloomy forecast: The Weather Network is down after a cyber-attack

Sep 13 2023, 4:45 pm

If you’ve been visiting The Weather Network in preparation for this upcoming weekend, you may have noticed that the website has been inaccessible since yesterday.

According to some sections of The Weather Network website, which are still accessible, a notice atop certain pages points out that the site has been on the receiving end of a cybersecurity incident.

The statement says that the cybersecurity incident impacted the network’s website, which is connected to a third-party software provider.

“This has affected The Weather Network and MétéoMédia weather data systems only. Alert Ready capabilities are not impacted and continue to work as intended.”

The statement continues to say that cybersecurity experts have been engaged, and an investigation into the incident is underway.

The weather agency provides weather around the globe, but for Canadians specifically, the statement says that Canada can expect some services to be up and running in the next few hours. The only problem with the statement and when you can expect the website to return is that it doesn’t have a timestamp.

A tweet from the network indicates that the incident has been ongoing since yesterday.

Relevant authorities have also been notified about the incident, and the network apologized for the inconvenience the attack may be causing.

Even the streaming service Crave got in on the conversation on social media.

In the meantime, if you want to know the weather, you’ll have to look out the window. Alternatively, you can visit Environment and Climate Change Canada’s website here.
Amir AliAmir Ali

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