Someone just sold an old Blockbuster receipt for $700

Oct 3 2023, 4:40 pm

If you haven’t gone through your old pile of documents lately, you might want to take a proper look through because someone just managed to sell their old Blockbuster Video receipt for a staggering $700.

The eBay auction involved a paper receipt of a purchase made at the now-shuttered Blockbuster Video store at 4551 Kingston Road in Scarborough in 1999.

While you might be regretting all the paper receipts you ditched over the years from the video store, it’s important to mention that the receipt in question didn’t just detail the rental of your favourite early 2000s rom-com.

It confirmed the purchase of a holy grail video game, ClayFighter: Sculptor’s Cut, which was released as a Blockbuster Video rental exclusive in North America in 1998 for the Nintendo 64.

blockbuster store

The auction only listed the original Blockbuster paper receipt (eBay)

While the actual game sells for tens of thousands of dollars, one person in possession of a simple paper receipt confirming the sale decided to list it for one lucky gamer to add to their collection.

“Take into consideration it was manufactured in low numbers to begin with, and it was a rental exclusive only, meaning many copies probably did not survive the abuse of being rented out. Eventually what copies remained were sold off at Blockbuster stores,” the auction reads.

“How many people kept their original purchase receipt for this game? Is it worth anything to anyone? I honestly have no idea. That’s why it’s here up for auction,” the seller wrote.

“This is truly a piece of gaming history and hopefully someone can find some enjoyment by owning this and adding it into their collection.”

While those unaware of the video game’s legacy might not believe that anyone would pay more than a few cents for the paper receipt, the auction quickly garnered 49 bids before selling for a mind-blowing $700.

Kimia Afshar MehrabiKimia Afshar Mehrabi

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+ Canada