Senior BBC anchor apologizes after giving middle finger while on air

Dec 7 2023, 4:12 pm

Maryam Moshiri, one of BBC’s chief news presenters, gave a middle finger to the camera, not knowing she was on air.

Moshiri was all set to deliver the afternoon news on Wednesday when she flipped the bird with a cheeky expression for a split second, then returned to being serious as soon as she realized what had happened.

“Live from London, this is BBC News,” she said straight-faced.

In a social media post, Moshiri clarified that she was joking around with her team members and pretending to count down with her director before they went live.

“The director was counting me down from 10-0, including the fingers to show the number,” she shared. “When we got to 1, I turned [my] finger around as a joke and did not realize that this would be caught on camera.”

The news anchor, who has been with the BBC for 16 years, apologized about the private joke going on air and said it was never her intention to upset, offend, or flip the bird at anyone.

“It was a silly joke that was meant for a small number of my mates,” Moshiri concluded. 

We wonder how people would react to an on-air accident like this in Canada, but most British news watchers seem to have found it hilarious and inoffensive.

Many stressed that she did not need to apologize for exercising her sense of humour with her coworkers.

For some, the incident propelled Moshiri to legendary status.

But that doesn’t mean she has absolutely zero haters. There are even calls for her resignation.

“You got caught, and now come out with this pitiful explanation,” said one. “Resign.”

Another said her six-year-old nephew was “traumatized” by what happened on TV and called for Moshiri to be removed from the air.

Don’t be surprised if you see Moshiri become a meme template in the coming weeks!