Mom can finally buy her family a home after winning Lotto 6/49 jackpot

May 9 2023, 5:24 pm

Mother’s Day came a little early for one of Canada’s newest multimillionaires.

Yvonne Sinclair of Richmond, BC, was left in disbelief when she won $5 million by matching all six numbers from the Lotto 6/49 Classic Jackpot draw on December 3, 2022.

“I was at home and checked the website and thought ‘no, it can’t be,'” shared Sinclair. “My son also scanned the ticket [on the Lotto! App] with his phone. I [couldn’t] believe it!”

Lotto 6/49

Yvonne Sinclair/BCLC

Sinclair bought the winning ticket in the Town Pantry at the Chevron gas station on Bridgeport Road and Number 5 Road in her home city.

The Richmond resident added that when she first told her daughter about hitting the jackpot, she replied, “No way!”

Sinclair explained that she wasn’t in an immediate rush to claim her prize, as she wanted to take some time to decide her next steps. Her plans include buying a house for her family, going on a tropical vacation, and helping her children with their school tuition.

And how does it feel to be $5 million richer?

“Overwhelming and exciting,” she said. “If I won, I wanted to buy a house, that was my main dream and now I am looking for one.”

Daniel ChaiDaniel Chai

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