“This win gives me time”: Lotto player celebrates scratching up big prize

May 8 2023, 6:42 pm

A small walk turned into a big win for a Canadian lottery player recently.

Marcel Poisson of Kelowna, BC, was out for an evening stroll with his partner when a spur-of-the-moment decision made him pick up a 5X the Cash Scratch & Win ticket.

“We were out on a walk after dinner,” Poisson said. “I stopped to get a drink at the store and the ticket looked like a good one so I just bought it on a whim.”

The ticket indeed was a good choice as it contained a $100,000 prize.


Marcel Poisson/BCLC

The Kelowna resident was still inside the Hollywood Market on Hollywood Road South when he checked the ticket, and he was immediately in disbelief.

“I walked out of the store and thought, ‘This can’t be real.’ It didn’t feel real.”

The very real prize has enabled Poisson to make plans to purchase some property in Eastern Canada and possibly go back to school.

“This win gives me time to save money for my kids and explore life a little bit. It’s a chance to slow down,” he said.

Daniel ChaiDaniel Chai

Daniel Chai is a writer and event host based in Vancouver, BC. Please send your story suggestions to [email protected]

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