Canadian lottery winner hungry for steak after cashing massive cheque

May 4 2023, 6:53 pm

This calls for steak! Peter Anglin, who lives in Maple Ridge, BC, just won big in a recent Lotto 6/49 draw.

He celebrated the $166,437.50 win, from the April 8 draw, with a steak dinner.

ā€œI scanned the ticket and kept scanning it,ā€ he said in a BCLC release. ā€œI sent a photo to my wife and sent a text to my kids saying, ā€˜Having steaks tonight.ā€™ā€

ā€œMy wife said, ā€˜Is this real?!ā€™ My kids asked me, ā€˜Are you kidding?!ā€™ā€

lottery winner

Peter’s got a taste for steak! (BCLC)

He bought the winning ticket at the ValleyFair Mall on Lougheed Highway. Other than steak dinner with the family, the rest of the prize money is going to be used towards his family home, which he’s in the process of building right now.

ā€œFor the last 25 years, Iā€™ve built pools for other people and have always wanted one of my ownā€¦ Iā€™m closer to that goal now,ā€ he said.

A pool of your own and a steak dinner sounds great to us. How would you spend a lottery prize? Let us know in the comments.

Sarah AndersonSarah Anderson

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