"Fits the crime": Why most Canadians support the death penalty for murderers

Mar 17 2023, 9:35 pm

A new poll has revealed that most Canadians support the death penalty for murderers.

The poll comes from ResearchCo and according to the results, there are several reasons why most Canadians support capital punishment.

Some believe the death penalty could save taxpayers money, while others think it could serve as a deterrent for potential murderers.

There are also several reasons why a minority of Canadians surveyed oppose the death penalty.

Why Canadians are in favour

Overall, 54% of Canadians support relying on the death penalty for murder convictions, up 3% since a similar poll was conducted in early 2022.

Support is highest in Alberta (62%), followed by Saskatchewan and Manitoba (60%), Ontario (58%), BC (58%), and Atlantic Canada (55%). Quebec (43%) is an outlier.

“Almost three-in-five Canadians aged 55 and over (59%, +4) would welcome the return of the death penalty,” said Mario Canseco, president of ResearchCo, in a statement.

“The numbers are slightly lower among those aged 35-to-54 (54%, +3) and those aged 18-to-34 (50%, +3).”

Many respondents believe it fits the crime.

ResearchCo also looked at the results from specific political backgrounds.

Seven in 10 Canadians who voted Conservative in the last election support reinstating the death penalty for murder.

“The proportions are lower among those who cast ballots for the New Democratic Party (NDP) (49%, -3) and the Liberal Party (48%, -1) in 2021.”

Why do some Canadians not support the death penalty for murderers?

Thirty-six per cent of respondents said they oppose the death penalty.

One of the primary reasons why some Canadians oppose the death penalty for murderers is fear of wrongful convictions. For example, 66% of those surveyed fear the possibility of someone being wrongfully sentenced to death.

ResearchCo also found that fewer than half of supporters of capital punishment think it would provide closure to families of murder victims (46%) and believe murderers cannot be rehabilitated (30%).

ResearchCo asked respondents, “all things considered, which of these two approaches would you prefer as a punishment for convicted murderers in Canada?”

Fifty-three per cent said life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, 37% said the death penalty, and 10% said they weren’t sure.

So while most Canadians might support reinstating the death penalty, they still prefer life imprisonment as the primary approach.

Do you support the death penalty for murderers?


Amir AliAmir Ali

Amir Ali is a Staff Writer with Daily Hive, born and raised in Vancouver, BC. Amir loves writing about real estate, crime, and fun offbeat hyperlocal stories. He also loves tofu very much.

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