Albertan shares winter warnings for people moving from BC, Ontario

Oct 27 2023, 9:59 pm

Alberta’s campaign to attract workers from other parts of the country, notably Ontario and BC, proved very successful as thousands of people have been flocking to the province lately.

The campaign, which highlighted stunning landscapes and Alberta’s lower cost of living, had one thing missing from its advertisements; the province’s brutally cold, long, and dry winters.

Cities like Vancouver and Toronto experience a much milder winter season than Calgary and Edmonton, and the dry, cold winter prairie weather has been a shock to those who arrived in the spring and summer.

Thankfully, one Albertan on Reddit is sharing winter survival tips for newcomers accustomed to a different climate.

Posts from the edmonton
community on Reddit

Many tips came down to one thing ā€”Ā the lack of humidity on the prairies during the wintertime.

“Alberta is dry as hell already and with the furnace going it makes it even more dry,” the original poster wrote.

“Ladies, if you wonder why you wake up and your skin looks like crap, I cannot stress enough that humidifiers seriously help.”

Others shared their first experience with Alberta winters, including one person who said, “When I first arrived here from BC to attend law school at the U of A, my first couple weeks I felt like absolute garbage. I remember the moment when I looked up in class and realized that every single student had a giant water bottle going. I had to increase my water intake like threefold just because of what we lose to the atmosphere here.”


“It can also impact your eyes. So eye drops. If you can’t afford a humidifier, for some heating systems, glasses of water by the heat source can help,” another wrote.

Someone else recommended, “Vitamin D, due to lack of sunlight in winters.”

What are your winter survival tips? Let us know in the comments.

Allison StephenAllison Stephen

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