Bundle up: Chilly "Siberian air" is about to blast Alberta

Nov 16 2023, 7:22 pm

We hope you enjoyed the stunning weather for the past few days, because a big switch-up is coming to Alberta thanks to a blast of chilly air coming from Siberia.

The experts at The Weather Network (TWN) are calling for a brief cooldown down for The Prairies in the short range, with a stellar warm weekend ahead, but that warm is not set to last long!

TWN says an end-of-November pattern shakeup is in the cards for Alberta and the rest of the Prairies, which will open the door for Siberian air to be initially redirected into Western Canada.

The Prairies will be the first to see wind chills return, plummeting into the minus teens by mid-week, before the wind eventually seeps east into Ontario and Quebec, according to The Weather Network.

The Weather Network

The swap in temperatures is glaring in the forecasts for both Edmonton and Calgary, with YEG reaching a balmy 12°C on Friday but then only seeing daytime highs of -8°C next week.

The Weather Network

YYC is in a similar situation, reaching a stunning 11°C on Friday for a daytime high before colder air moves in. By next Thursday, Calgarians will only be seeing highs of -6°C. Oooof!

The Weather Network

The Weather Network added that temperature swings will continue during the final week of November, allowing for warmer air to return to the West Coast.

The end of the month will also see above-seasonal temperatures dominate across the West Coast and then start to spread east, even making it to Central Canada as we head into early December.

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