Taxes on wine, beer and spirits just increased across Canada

Apr 2 2018, 8:06 pm

The cost of enjoying an alcoholic beverage in Canada just went up.

Under the Excise Act, 2001, the Government of Canada has raised the rates of excise duty on spirits, wine and beer.

The adjusted taxes charged on domestic alcohol products took effect on April 1, 2018 and are set out in the tables below:

beer tax increase

alcohol tax increase

Government of Canada

According to the government’s website, rates are “adjusted annually every April 1 based on changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).”

Predictably, Canadians – already feeling the crunch from rising prices at gas stations, on menus, and within the housing market – are not too happy about the new tax.

An online petition is also being circulated by members of the brewing industry, calling to Axe the Escalating Beer Tax, and claims that “47% of the price of beer is government tax,” and that “Canada has one of the highest beer taxes in the world.”

Not exactly something worth cheersing to.

See also
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