Nominate your favourite "Made in Calgary" small businesses and creators

Jul 19 2021, 5:54 pm

Made in Calgary is a collaboration between the City of Calgary and Daily Hive. Together, we’re turning the spotlight onto local businesses, organizations, and individuals who are helping to create a healthy local economy.

Tens of thousands of businesses across the country are expected to close as a result of the economic hardships and financial losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Among the hardest hit are the independent businesses, restaurants and the arts community, including artists and musicians.

Small businesses are struggling to pay rent. Restaurants have been forced to pivot to find new ways to reach customers. And artists, comedians and venues have seen a drastic decrease in audiences, if their operations have been able to stay open at all.

Many of our favourite people and places are struggling right now.

Let’s help them.

“Made In Calgary” is a collaboration between the City of Calgary and Daily Hive – together we’re turning the spotlight onto local businesses, organizations, and individuals that make our city unique and wonderful.

These are the ones that don’t have big advertising budgets, a publicist or an impressive social media presence, but have a special place in our hearts and could get a big boost from having a spotlight shone on what they do.

And who is better to help us nominate worthy people to feature than you, our readers?

If you are a small business or creator, use this form to nominate yourself for a feature.

Whether it’s a mom and pop produce stand with the freshest beets, to your nail technician, a foodie making awesome dumplings out of their mom’s basement, a jewelry designer, or a writer that’s putting out their first book.

Tell us why you think they are so special and we should feature them in upcoming editorial. We will be doing “Made in Calgary” features three times a week based on your responses.

Let’s give the people in our city who mean so much to us the props they deserve.