US troops deployed as Freedom Convoy-inspired protests head to DC

Feb 23 2022, 4:50 pm

The US Department of Defence has approved the deployment of 700 National Guard troops as several trucker protests, inspired by the “Freedom Convoy” protests in Canada, make their way over to Washington DC.

AP News reported on Wednesday that the Pentagon made the decision on Tuesday night. The troops will remain unarmed and help to control traffic in the capital. They will not perform law enforcement or “domestic-surveillance” activities.

The US is expecting fleets of truckers to roll into the capital as early as next week, in time for President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on March 1.

While Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” demonstrations were slowly tapering, plans to adapt the protests on US soil began. The protests in Ottawa and other Canadian cities led to hundreds of arrests and detrimental impacts to businesses restricted by blockades.

As a result, Americans inspired by the resistance to government mandates in Canada have developed US trucker convoys under different leaders to take on — if not occupy — the capital.

There’s the Freedom Convoy US 2022, headed by Kyle Sefcik, who claims that his group will peacefully be present at the March 1 presidential address and do everything “lawfully and constitutionally.”

The People’s Convoy Is trekking down all the way from California to attend the president’s address, and according to LA Times, organizers are expecting at least a thousand trucks.

Another group from Pennsylvania, helmed by trucker Bob Bolus, aims to shut down the capital by occupying the Beltway surrounding DC. Although that plan isn’t working out, as Bolus told 7News on Wednesday, the convoy is delayed due to two flat tires and not enough trucks to cause a real blockade.

Just two days ago, Bolus told Fox News that his convoy would be like a “giant boa constrictor.”

“That basically squeezes you, chokes you, and it swallows you, and that’s what we’re going to do the DC,” he claimed. However, the number of trucks at his convoy currently seems to be standing at one.

The American Truckers Freedom Fund is receiving donations and providing truckers who need financial assistance to join the convoys. Their website lists several convoy affiliates and states that they’re protesting “the unscientific, unconstitutional overreach of the federal government.”

“It’s time for #AmericanTruckers to stand with truckers all over the world. Don’t be afraid to #HonkHonk. Everybody loves #FreedomHonks,” their front page reads.

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