It’ll soon be harder for thieves to sell catalytic converters in Calgary

Jul 4 2023, 7:58 pm

It is no secret that there is a problem with catalytic converters getting stolen in Calgary and now the City has made some changes.

Starting today, the City has altered the Business Licence Bylaw to hopefully limit theft and better regulate businesses and people who have unattached catalytic converters.

Calgary Police Deputy Chief Chad Tawfik says they are trying to limit these issues in any way they can.

“Catalytic converter thefts across Calgary have continued to rise year over year,” Tawfik said in a news release.

“We are pleased to see initiatives like updates to the business bylaw that will make it easier to track the sale of catalytic converters to salvage collectors, auto wreckers, and salvage yards, and make it more difficult for people to anonymously sell them and profit from the thefts.”

The number of catalytic converter thefts more than doubled from 2021 to 2022.

In 2021, there were 1,560 reported incidents while that number rose to 3,439 reported incidents in 2022.

In the first quarter of 2023, there were 994 reported thefts. If that pace continues it will mean 3,976 thefts for the year, an increase of over 500. 

As part of the approved changes to the bylaw, salvage collectors, auto wreckers, and salvage yard businesses will now have to keep a comprehensive record including the seller’s details, buyer’s details, and the VIN, make, model, colour, and year of the car the catalytic converter originated from.

All businesses will have to keep sales records with all that information for one year.

Under the amended bylaw, buyers cannot purchase catalytic converters when the required information is not provided and they can’t remove or deface any of the existing identifying markings on the catalytic converter before or at the time of sale.

Salvage yards, auto wreckers, and salvage collectors are required to implement the new requirements immediately and if they don’t, the fines can get up to $3,000 per offense.   

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