Everything is coming in this weekend's Calgary weather forecast

Oct 13 2017, 6:05 am

Get out your gloves, toques, umbrellas, and sunglasses, because the weekend weather is going to be as unpredictable as… well, Calgary weather.

Starting off Friday with a high of 1°C and flurries throughout both day and night, it won’t be Banff level snow coverage, but it’ll be enough to make you leave those sandals at home – for now.

That Friday snow will turn into rain and a mix of sun and clouds for Saturday, before clearing up on Sunday.

And oh what a Sunday it will be, reaching highs of 17°C and a nice, balmy low of 3°C.

So if you happen to have plans for snowshoeing on Friday, and suntanning on Sunday, you may not be quite as ridiculous as your schedule suggests – but be sure to have that umbrella handy as well, just in case!

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