Movie Under The Stars rescheduled (again) due to weather
Fans of Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox will have to wait another few weeks before getting the chance to watch it on the big screen at Central Memorial Park.
The Movie Under The Stars night that was organized by Qualex-Landmark to celebrate the soon-to-be-opening Park Point building has been rescheduled once again, after it became clear that the Friday night showtime would be a little too damp for the audience.
See also
- You can watch a movie under the stars in downtown Calgary next month
- Watch Wes Anderson's 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' under the stars next week
The event was originally planned for June 16, though due to an uncooperative weather forecast the initial date had to be set back to June 29.
Now the organizers are hoping that July 20 will be a clear night, as the movie is set to take place on that Friday.
The event will be free for all to attend, and movie night goodie bags will be given out for free at the Park Point Discovery Centre — though they will only be available for the first 150 people (starting two hours before the movie), so be sure to get there a bit early.
The bags will include a blanket, a snack, a bottled water, and more.
Anyone hoping for something a little more substantial to tide over their hunger during the 97-minute movie will be able to purchase a late dinner from a number of food trucks that are expected to be on scene during the event.
The movie will begin at 9:40 pm sharp, though you may need a bit of time before that to find yourself some prime real estate in the park.
Park Point Presents Movie Night in The Park 2018
When: Friday, July 20, 2018
Time: Free gift bags available starting at 7:30 pm, Movie starts at 9:40 pm
Where: Central Memorial Park – 1221 2nd Street SW, Calgary
Admission: Free!