Calgary company eliminating food waste while landing you free take-out

Nov 15 2019, 10:11 pm

Picture this: You’re rushing to hit your favourite take-out spot before closing.

You’re a little worried that they’ll be out of their fried noodles/pizza slices/whatever it may be, by the time you walk in the front door.

Instead, you’re in luck! They’re selling whatever they have left at a discount before closing time, and you walk out of there with a nice, warm meal for a pretty penny — or even for free.

It might seem like these breaks may only happen when the stars align, but a Calgary company is working to turn that situation into a daily affair.

GOAT  (Greatest Of All Time) is an app created in an effort to connect donors (individuals, restaurants, grocers, etc.) who may be looking to get rid of a surplus of food, with buyers (individuals who want to eat said food) in a quick, easy, and affordable way.

The way it works is that restaurants with leftovers that they’re looking to get rid of, or people who are trying to clear out their pantry, can put what they’re offering up on the app alongside a price-point (which can be free) and a window of time for pickup.

That offer is then broadcast out to buyers, who have the chance to reserve the food exchange — which will be set at a $10 maximum.


GOAT app

If there is any payment for the food, all funds are donated to Leftover Foundation or Brown Bagging For Calgary’s Kids, according to a release from the app’s creators.

“Each year, Canadians waste 183 Kg of food per person, adding up to six million tons of food waste making it the third largest contributor to greenhouse emissions in the world behind China and the US,” said Ivonne Gamboa, CEO of GOAT, in the release.

“The app is a connecting platform that brings together restaurant owners or individuals who are looking to donate food with members of their community. GOAT offers healthier meal options near them for free or at an affordable price point.”

The idea for the app was created in Gamboa’s kitchen while packaging food to share with a family member who had recently moved to the country, the release states.

It also noted that the amount of global food waste is only increasing, with 1.3 billion tonnes of food — resulting in 3.3 billion metric tonnes of CO2 emitted into the air — every year, and GOAT is hoping to be a positive change starting right here in Calgary.


GOAT app

The simple truth is we all waste so much food – so why don’t we share it? From this idea, GOAT was created – as a means of connecting people,” the release states.

“We connect those with surplus food to those who will enjoy it. With busy lifestyles, a diminished sense of community and sometimes unfortunate economic downfalls, GOAT aims to bring communities and people together to achieve something extraordinary… one SHARED MEAL at a time.”

The app is currently available for download on the App Store and Google Play, and the easiest way to find it (while avoiding a few goat simulator apps, because that’s apparently a thing) is to search GOAT Share_Eat_Repeat — or simply visit the company’s website.

GOAT was one of 15 new Calgary companies featured at this year’s Startup Calgary Launch Party.