This Calgary filmmaker has created her own sustainable production company

Apr 7 2018, 6:53 am

Working in the film industry has allowed Calgary student Siobhan Cooney to recognize the need for sustainable production. That’s why she has gone on to create Virescent Cinema.

“Virescent Cinema is all about sustainable creation, I’ve worked on so many film sets where the amount of garbage and plastic water bottles that they go through daily is atrocious.

“I founded Virescent Cinema to investigate what it would be like to work on a waste-free set, which was a lot easier than you might expect. My hope is that more people in the film industry might consider the effect their work has on the planet and what a difference such a simple change can make,” Cooney told Daily Hive.

The filmmaker is currently working towards her BFA in Drama through The University of Calgary, and has specialized training in advanced acting, performance creation, as well as production.

Image: Siobhan Cooney, still from Snowshoe & Monster

Cooney notes that she’s a storyteller at heart.

“I really want to tell stories that resonate with people from all walks of life. I love acting and I like to look into the depth and challenges the characters face and consider how they resonate with individuals and our society in general. I also believe art for art’s sake is completely valid! not everything has to tap into something right away, and sometimes entertainment can purely be entertainment.”

She explains how producing is a big job but she has a passion for both producing and acting so it works out. “In Alberta, it’s a great advantage to be able to produce your own work, because the creative jobs that we love wouldn’t exist otherwise.”

Image: Still from Snowshoe & Monster

Conney’s advice to others starting out in the industry is to ask questions but also take everything with a grain of salt.

“In acting, it is so important that you find your own process and what works for you, but it’s okay if something isn’t working. What works for you doesn’t have to be what works for other people. Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. Be brave. Take risks. Don’t be afraid to fail!”

The actress uses Instagram to connect with other creative artists in Calgary.

“I love Instagram! I’ve met so many cool artists online. Also, the local music scene in Calgary is super friendly.”

Cooney is currently producing her film For you, June, which she wrote. It’s the first time that her work as a writer will be seen outside of the studio. She is also acting and associate producing in Ruminations of a Farmhouse, Haunted with Numera Films.

“Both are up and running for the 2018 Storyhive Shorts Edition, fingers crossed,” Cooney concluded.

Now you have the opportunity to follow your passion just like Siobhan Cooney has by joining the Creator Directory at STORYHIVEWhether you love to be behind the camera or in front, STORYHIVE is sure to find a cozy spot for you. Actors, filmmakers, directors, and writers, among others, make up the creative family and you’re going to want to be a part of it.

STORYHIVE offers production grants and distribution opportunities for filmmakers, musicians, storytellers, and creators, in BC and Alberta. They tell stories and make careers happen.

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