Two Albertans in their 30s died with coronavirus over past 24 hours

Nov 20 2020, 11:18 pm

Another 11 people have died in Alberta as a result of COVID-19.

Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, announced in a live press conference that there were 1,155 new cases of coronavirus detected over the course of 24 hours on November 20.

Of the 11 people who died with coronavirus over that same timespan, two were in their 30s, Hinshaw noted.

Both had comorbidities, though she said that neither were life-threatening on their own.

Hinshaw stated that having a chronic condition is quite common, with nearly a quarter of all Albertans over the age of 20 having at least one, accounting for roughly 800,000 Albertans.

These conditions include high blood pressure and diabetes.

“That should not be a death sentence,” Hinshaw said during the press conference.

“Most Albertans will have a family member or a friend with these conditions. We must remember that our actions protect these people as well as ourselves.”

November 19 saw active cases of coronavirus rise to a record high of 10,655 with 310 people in hospital and 58 in the ICU as a result.

As always, Albertans are being asked to practice safe physical distancing, wear a mask when out in public, maintain proper hand hygiene, and stay home if they are feeling sick.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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