2020 Citizenship Satisfaction Survey sees worse year for Calgarians

Nov 12 2020, 10:34 pm

Even the most liveable city in North America can have its critics.

The City of Calgary released the results of its most recent Citizenship Satisfaction Survey on Monday, finding that, while Calgarians are still pretty happy about the way things are being run out here in YYC, they’re a little less happy than they were in 2019.

The survey, which was conducted by Ipsos with a sample size of 2,500 randomly selected people who were contacted over the phone between August 17 and September 6, is an annual gauge of what the city should be focusing its efforts towards.

Topmost on the list provided by the city is how Calgarian respondents perceived the quality of life in the city, which dropped by four points from 2019, going from 83% saying the quality of life is “good” down to 79%.

Along those same lines, 44% of respondents stated that the quality of life in Calgary has actually “worsened,” a sentiment only held by 40% of respondents one year earlier. 14% thought that quality had improved, six points lower than the 16% who thought the same in 2018.

28% believed that “infrastructure, traffic, and roads” needed the most attention from leaders, down 7% from last year, while Crime, Safety, and Policing was ranked second-most important (15%), and Taxes were third (13%).

Only 53% of respondents gave the city a “good value” rating for the value they get back on property tax dollars, dropping off from 54% in 2019.

As for council and administration, this year’s survey saw no change in respondents who “believe that City Council and City Administration work collaboratively to make the best possible decisions for the future of Calgary,” staying solid at 66%.

Full statistics from this year’s Citizenship Satisfaction Survey can be found at the City of Calgary’s website.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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