Zach Galifianakis asks Hillary Clinton if she'll move to Canada if Trump wins

Sep 23 2016, 3:26 am

If you’ve never watched Between Two Ferns with host Zach Galifianakis you’re about to watch 5-minutes of beautiful awkwardness.

If you have watched Between Two Ferns with host Zach Galifianakis you’ve probably already stopped reading this and skipped down to the hilarity.

Galifianakis, who went from that funny weird dude in The Hangover to that funny weird dude in The Hangover Part II and The Hangover Part III, has had his own side project with Funny or Die for years now. Between Two Ferns is generally limited to Galifianakis performing 5-6 minute interviews with famous people.

Oh, and they’re all wonderfully, painfully awkward.

His latest guest is none other than Democratic Party candidate for President, Hilary Clinton.

After opening the segment being tackled by The Secret Service, Galifianakis settles into his role between the plants and hits Clinton with the hard questions.

Emails, the Trans Pacific Partnership, gun control, pantsuits, and more are squeezed into the short time these two have together. But our favourite moment – obviously – is when Galifianakis asks Clinton if Trump wins (and Kid Rock becomes Secretary of State) will she be moving to Canada.

Watch below and find out what the possible future President has to say: