Young Innovators Start Up Weekend Comes to UBC

Dec 19 2017, 4:48 pm

University students generally don’t need an excuse to stay up late, developing ‘breakthrough’ Dorito flavors is often enough (Cool Ranch + anything is delicious). However, the weekend of November 15 to 17, E@UBC and Startup Weekend are proud to offer you a legitimate excuse. 

Startup Weekend consists of a 54-hour grind, where individuals can flush out an idea, form a team, pound out a design and maybe even an MVP (minimum viable product) or an AIMUBTPLA (acronym I made up because tech people love acronyms). Throughout the process a cluster of very talented mentors and judges will be there to take your idea through to foundation and early iteration.

Whatever your interest, whatever your idea, you will get value from this weekend, even if it’s just to fully come to grips with the lovable lunacy of what it takes to be an entrepreneur. It’s a room full of creative, ambitious, talented people, all of whom are there because they want to learn or they want to teach.

The weekend itself is part of a larger network of events known as the Global Startup Battle, which incorporates teams competing from all over the world for up to $20,000 in cash, a trip to Google headquarters in San Francisco and a good deal of notoriety.

If you’re interested in learning more, make sure to check out the Startup Weekend Website for details on schedule, format, mentors, judges and past winners.



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