Young Canucks Fan Gets Hit With Puck, Meets Sedins

Dec 19 2017, 8:28 pm

Pretty cool story from the Canucks game in Edmonton last night after a young Canucks fan was hit in the head with a puck. The ‘cool’ part came afterwards.

Late in the second period, a young fan wearing a Canucks jersey was struck by a puck after a Nick Bonino clearing attempt deflected off the glass and into the stands. Henrik Sedin showed some great class by immediately handing over his hockey stick for the kid to keep.

But the story doesn’t end there.

The kid is 12-year old Daniel Praught, a Canucks fan from Fort McMurray. After the game, the young fan got to meet the Sedins and Alex Burrows outside the Canucks dressing room at Rexall Place. Daniel Sedin, not to be outdone by his brother, also signed a stick for the presumably thrilled youngster.

Not a bad night, all things considered.

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