Wine Wednesday: Celebrate Argentina

Dec 19 2017, 4:52 pm

I was recently given the opportunity to head to Whistler’s Cornucopia and try out some amazing Argentine wines. Being in Argentina earlier this year, I was happy to see some of my favourites from my trip popping up here and there. The selection of Argentine wine at Cornucopia was far greater than the selection in Argentina itself (ironic, no?).



The food, catered by Sidecut restaurant at The Four Seasons Whistler, was absolutely phenomenal. True to the Argentine culture, a lot of meat was served, and it went very well with all of the Argentine Malbec being poured.


Here are my top five favourite Argentine wines:

#1: Crios Torrontès – $16.95



This is, by far, my favourite Argentine wine. When I was in Argentina, they said that Torrontès was known as the deceptive grape, because the smell was very sweet and floral, but the taste was quite dry. It’s an easy drinking wine, with lots of nice flavours like citrus and stone fruit. I would pair this with grilled salmon (with a chimichurri sauce to keep it Argentine), a light salad, or by itself. You can’t go wrong here.

#2: Trapiche Broquel Malbec – $17.99


I was truly shocked after I tasted this wine to see the price tag under $20. It’s difficult to find a fantastic wine under $20 in B.C., but I hit the jackpot with this one. It was full of flavour and had delicious tannins on the palette. I left the event thinking that I definitely had to pick up at least a few bottles next time I was at the liquor store. It’s a perfect wine to bring to an event when you don’t know what the host is serving, or a great wine to drink at home with some grilled steak.

#3: Santa Ana Reserve Torrontès – $12.99

Santa Ana Reserve Torrontès

Another great quality wine for a low price. This wine was fruity and had full flavours of vanilla and clove, which means you could serve it with anything from fish to chicken. I happened to be trying some roast suckling pig at the time, and it stood up quite well to the dish. It would be a great wine to put out at a party and not have to worry about spending too much.

#4: Bodega Vistalba Arido Malbec – $15.99

Bodega Vistalba Arido Malbec

Most Malbecs are quite dry (not sweet at all), but this one had a slight sweetness which I surprisingly enjoyed. I’m not usually one for sweetness in red wines, but I was very impressed with the complexity behind this wine. Another great value wine for the holiday season.

#5: Dominio del Plata Benmarco Malbec – $23.99


A little pricier than other Argentine Malbecs, but still very impressive for it’s value. Lots of cherry flavours, I think this wine would age quite well. It has a slight smokey flavour that was really enjoyable with BBQ ribs. It’s a great choice for a gift this holiday season.


Happy #WineWednesday! Check out the Argentina Wine section at your next B.C. Liquor stop. You’re sure to find something interesting at a great value.


Feature image: Stokkete / Shutterstock

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