Wine of Circumstance: The Best Wine for Winter Days

Dec 19 2017, 5:57 pm

Wine has always been a circumstantial thing to me. The application of how you imbibe can certainly affect the gratification of your experience. What you’re reading, watching or listening to matters and so should the wine you pair to that occasion and mood.

One factor that I always consider is the weather. With winter wrapping its cloak of darkness around us I tend to gravitate toward wines that wrap themselves around me. Wines that give me comfort, satisfaction and substance. I should also say that as much as I am interested in how a wine tastes, I have a deeper desire to discover how a wine makes me feel.

This time of year I turn to the ‘Old Empire’ and today, I land in Italy.

Tuscany is home to the coveted Brunello di Montalcino wines. But, not all of us can drink those wines daily (they’re usually $60+!). So, we turn to the sibling of Brunello: Rosso di Montalcino. It’s created for more immediate drinking and it certainly offers a better price tag. Think of it this way: if Rosso di Montalcino is like a daydream, Brunello di Montalcino is like the fantasy of your greatest desires.

Available at most BCLDB stores, you can easily find the Castiglion del Bosco Rosso di Montalcino. Made from 100 per cent Sangiovese (yep, the same grape that Chianti is made from) this wine punches well above its weight class. It has a complex purpose filled with baked Morello cherry, stewed blueberry, alluring spice, baked earth and the rustic intent of your Grandfather’s leather jacket. More than that, it wraps around you like the arms of a loved one—comfort, satisfaction and the promise of friendship. It’s perfect for a cozy night on the couch listening to TheCaveSingers (#winetrax), a dinner of any roasted meat or embracing the twilight that surrounds you.

Whichever vintage available will work; a wine like this awards consistency.


Castiglion del Bosco Rosso di Montalcino (cspc+628974)
$24.95 BCLDB

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