VIFF 2014: 'Wild' on the Red Carpet - or not

Dec 19 2017, 8:19 pm

Generally, when you think red carpet you think glitz and glamour not flop and fizzle. Unfortunately the red carpet roll out for “Wild” was anything but that. I found myself looking to capture a daring dress or a ballsy bow tie – something, anything – that was a little offbeat, in the way that you want to rush home and talk about, you want to tweet about it, you want to eat it up! I left hungry. Where Thursday night lacked, Friday and Saturday’s carpets attacked in full force – so all hope was not lost for VIFF fashion.

Sonja Bennett in a beautiful and tame reddish-pink

Sonja Bennett in a beautiful and tame reddish-pink

Paloma Kwiatkowski - doing SOMETHING with her face that I don't....quite....get

Paloma Kwiatkowski – doing SOMETHING with her face that I don’t….quite….get

Sarah Carter - Amazing hair by Moods Hair Salon

Sarah Carter – Amazing hair by Moods Hair Salon

Gabrielle Rose - The Silver Fox of Femmedome

Gabrielle Rose – The Silver Fox of Femmedome

It's like she just knows... Camilla Mahal looking gorgeous, but missing the memo that although it's's also the RED CARPET. Leave the fur vest for Sundays.

It’s like she just knows… Camilla Mahal looking gorgeous, but missing the memo that although it’s Canada…it’s also the RED CARPET. Leave the fur vest for Sundays.

The two that get my vote for being a little itty bit different, hence the ones I tweeted about:

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