Why you should consider car2go

Dec 19 2017, 3:16 pm

car2go gives you the flexibility of making one way trips, and using the car for as long or as short as you like. For only $0.38/min up to $13.99/hour, you have the convenience of taking a car2go whenever you please. Included in the price is gas, parking, and insurance.

One of the best perks about using car2go is the ability to park in permit only, resident only, and any unrestricted parking spots. car2go also has designated parking spots around the city, especially in highly concentrated areas. That means when you are meeting friends Downtown you can essentially park for free in a  car2go and not have to worry about returning it!

Rest assured, you are only billed for the time you are using the car. Other than that, your $2 annual fee goes towards charity, which this year is KidStart Mentoring Program.

Normally registration costs $35, but car2go has a promotion right now: for $10, you get to register with car2go and get 30 free minutes of driving! Just enter the promotion NORTHVAN when you are registering.

Visit www.car2goVancouver.com for more info.


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