Stunning time lapse captures Whistler's beauty and aurora borealis (VIDEO)

Dec 19 2017, 10:58 pm

Whistler hiker and photographer David McColm’s oh-so-sweet latest project has been years in the making.

McColm is best known for his sweeping landscape photos and panoramic shots of Whistler’s ever-changing mountains, lakes and night skies. Few people can truly understand the amount of effort required to take the ‘perfect’ capture.


His latest project, a time lapse feature video, takes it to another level.

“This video is the result of an amazing adventure in sleeplessness, ‘messing up’, broken gear, frozen toes, hundreds of thousands of photos and making the commitment to get my ‘lazy butt’ off the couch to be there,” McColm writes.

[vimeo id=”124732205″]

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