#WhatsTheLink: We're also really into cycling - win a FareCard and more (Contest)

Dec 19 2017, 6:42 pm

#whatsthelink is a series about all that TransLink, Metro Vancouver’s transportation authority, is responsible for in the region. Join the conversation on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, the Buzzer blog and here of course!

The first TransLink secure bike parking area in Metro Vancouver opens today and we couldn’t be happier! So happy in fact that we’re giving away a three zone FareCard and some sweet cycling gifts!

#WhatsTheLink and what’s a Secure Bike Parking area?

There is a link between TransLink and cycling—cycling is part of our mandate as the transportation agency of Metro Vancouver. TransLink is responsible for providing cycling options in the region and connecting cycling to the wider transportation system of Metro Vancouver. This includes public transit, the major roads network and five bridges in Metro Vancouver!

TransLink is unique in North America as a transportation authority that links so many ways of moving people and goods. Part of TransLink’s multimodal mandate is to help support the people making the 107,000 bike trips each day in Metro Vancouver.

Those TransLink cycling options are:

  • The BC Parkway – A 26-kilometre, multi-use path that roughly parallels the Expo SkyTrain Line, connecting Surrey City Centre, New Westminster, South Burnaby and Vancouver.
  • The Central Valley Greenway– A 24-kilometre route for cycling, jogging, walking, wheelchairs, skateboarding and blading that connect Vancouver with Burnaby and New Westminster.
  • And starting today….Secure Bike Parking!

translink whatsthelink bike

Included as part of the upgrades for Main Street-Science World Station, the Secure Bicycle Parking area has room for 86 bikes, more than four times the amount of bike storage that was there before!

Parking in the area costs $1 a day up to $8 a month. After parking for eight days in a single calendar month, registered customers will not be charged again until the following month. To register, go to www.translink.ca/bikeparking.

This is the first of future Secure Bike Parking areas for the transit system in Metro Vancouver. This investment moves the region closer to one of the Metro Vancouver region’s long-term goals for half of all trips to be made by walking, cycling or transit by 2014. Increasing cycling trips depends on investment in infrastructure and programs like Secure Bike Parking areas.


This being Bike to Work Week and the opening of this new cycling facility, TransLink would like to spread the word about how cycling is an important part of the transportation system in Metro Vancouver. To do this, we want you to help us spread the word and possibly win some great prizes for doing so!

#WhatsTheLink – We’re also really into cycling contest!

We have 2 commuter cycling prize packs to give away! They each include:

1. A 3-Zone July 2014 FareCard ($170 value)

2. TravelSmart cycling helpers ($30 value)

  • A bike multitool
  • A bike seat cover
  • An LED bike light
  • Reflectors
  • A tote you can throw over your shoulders
  • Metro Vancouver Cycling Map

How to enter:

1. Retweet the following on Twitter: (1 entry)

  • Celebrate #BTWW & win a $200 prize with a 3-Zone FareCard from @TransLink via @VancityBuzz http://ow.ly/xgDYc RT to enter! #WhatsTheLink

2. Leave a comment below telling us how use your bike and/or if you use TransLink cycling options, public transit, roads or bridges to commute. (1 entry)

3. Follow @TransLinkBC and @VancityBuzz on Instagram (1 entry)

4. Regram the following photo on Instagram with the hashtag #WhatsTheLink and tag @VancityBuzz & @TransLink. (1 entry)

5. Like this photo on Vancity Buzz’s Facebook page (1 entry)

translink whatsthelink instagram

Contest ends Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. Two winners will be drawn at random.

Winners: Michelle K. and Helena B.

Robert Willis is a Communications Advisor for TransLink. He looks after digital communications, including social media for the organization. He’s also the editor of the Buzzer blog and newsletter.


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