Weekend Date: The Dirty Apron Cooking School

Dec 19 2017, 2:03 pm

If you are currently in a relationship, in the process of developing a relationship, or strategically playing every corner of the field fully equipped and heavy loaded,  you should probably jump on the Weekend Date series bandwagon that is brand spankin’ new to Vancity Buzz. It’s simple! If you’re stumped on what to do for a date on the weekend, check back into Vancity Buzz every Friday and potentially be slapped with some inspiration.

This week’s Weekend Date idea features The Dirty Apron Cooking School.

The Dirty Apron was created by David Robertson alongside with the owner and celebrity chef Nico Schuermans of Chambar and Cafe Medina, both of which are the cats meow of restaurants in Vancouver.

This isn’t your ordinary “go out for dinner” date. Instead of sitting down, ordering your food, and eating your meal, you get to sit down, listen to an entertaining chef take you on a step by step culinary journey to create a fabulous and gourmet meal, tie an apron on, and then you and your date start cooking away.  For anyone who considers themselves a foodie, amateur or legitamate aspiring chef, or is looking for a new way to spice up their Friday or Saturday night date scene, The Dirty Apron is the place to learn, explore, and unleash new tricks of the trade in more places than just the kitchen.

A list of all the classes are listed on the website, and book soon, seats fill up FAST!

Website – http://www.dirtyapron.com/

Twitter – http://twitter.com/Dirty_Apron

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/thedirtyapron

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