Vancouver set for sweltering temperatures and lots of sunshine this week

Sep 5 2017, 11:33 pm

School may be back in session, but summer is by no means finished with the Lower Mainland just yet.

In fact, one could be forgiven for double checking the date and making sure that they – or their children – are actually supposed to be back in the classroom, based on the weather.

According to The Weather Network, Vancouver is set to see another week of predominantly sunny skies, with a chance of showers thrown in for good measure at the end of the week.

Daytime high temperatures are expected to reach as 29°C this week, although with the current wildfire and haze situation, how hot it will actually feel is a bit of a wildcard.

Temperatures at night are forecast to cool a little bit, hanging out in the mid-teens for the majority of the week.

With an Air Quality Advisory and a heat warning both currently in effect, residents with breathing or health issues are advised to stay indoors and keep cool as much as they can.

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