Are you wearing a former plastic bottle?

Dec 19 2017, 11:08 pm

Are you wearing a former plastic bottle? You could be, if you’re wearing a fleece jacket or vest (or you were over the winter). Fleece clothing is made from recycled polyethylene terephthalate (or PET). But how does a plastic bottle go from your recycling to a cozy new fleece jacket?

After your recycling is collected, it’s sorted with similar materials and compacted into bales, which are sold to material remanufacturers who process the contents into something that can be used again. For example, bales of PET are shredded, washed and pelletized, and then heated and spun into fibres, which are then processed into fleece clothing and other new products. Fewer new resources are required in the manufacturing process when starting with recycled materials.

There are many different end-uses for plastic containers, but it all depends on the type of plastic.

  • Milk jugs (high-density polyethylene) – used in new packaging for shampoo or detergent bottles
  • Plastic bags (polyethylene) – used in plastic decking
  • Margarine tubs (polypropylene) – used to make storage bins

Each of these plastic types—or resins—follows a similar process of being shredded, washed and pelletized before they can be used again.

Metal cans continue on to become new products or new cans. In fact, anything made from steel in North America has some recycled content, and recycling metal uses less energy than producing new metal. That means your empty can of soup could re-enter your home when you replace your next appliance. Like plastics, metals need to be sorted into different types. Once sorted, the metal packaging is shredded and smelted. It can then be rolled into sheets, wire or bar, and used to make new cans, car parts or construction materials.

Paper is pulped and pressed into fibres that become cereal boxes, egg cartons and cardboard boxes, depending on the mix of papers.

Recycling residential packaging and printed paper in B.C. is made possible by Multi-Material BC (MMBC), a non-profit organization that collects fees from the retailers, manufacturers and other companies that sell or provide packaging and printed paper to residents. MMBC manages the recycling and collection of the packaging and printed paper on behalf of these companies removing the financial burden from municipalities. This is called extended producer responsibility, or EPR. There are over 20 EPR programs in B.C., for materials such as tires, batteries, lights, electronics and more, each of which provides B.C. residents with management options and avoid disposal, filling up landfills. Help give your packaging and printed paper a second life by recycling it.

For more about what happens to your recycling, visit

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