Call for volunteers for first ever Doors Open Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 8:02 pm

Do you love architecture, design and sustainability? Do you take pride in Vancouver? If so, volunteer with Doors Open Vancouver!

Vancouver’s inaugural Doors Open Vancouver event takes place on Saturday, October 4. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 20 Vancouver venues will be open to the public in three walkable clusters: downtown, around City Hall and in the False Creek Flats.

Doors Open Vancouver is a one-day event that will throw open the doors of popular Vancouver buildings for the public. Throughout the day, you’ll be be able to enjoy free, behind the scenes access to Vancouver venues and learn about civic services while experiencing Vancouver’s architectural, design, engineering and cultural heritage.

Volunteer for Doors Open

In order to make this first event a success, Doors Open is looking for 200 volunteers to assist on October 4 with set-up, greeting visitors, leading tours, promoting Doors Open and encouraging public participation. In return for volunteering for a half-day shift on October 4, you’ll enjoy perks like VIP “bypass the line” wristbands, tickets to the wrap up party and a specially designed Doors Open Vancouver t-shirt. Plus you will get to meet like-minded people who share your passion for Vancouver!

If this sounds like you, register to volunteer at Short training sessions start Monday, September 15.

doors open vancouver

What is Doors Open Vancouver?

Doors Open events are hosted in cities around the world, including London, New York and Toronto, attracting hundreds of thousands of participants. This unique experience connects residents with the buildings they know, or are curious about, and provides them a look into the activities that normally take place behind closed doors.

Doors Open was a quick start action identified by the Engaged City Task Force to improve civic education and build awareness about the services people receive for their tax dollars.

The City of Vancouver is organizing Doors Open Vancouver in partnership with the Urbanarium, Vancouver Public Space Network, Vancouver Heritage Foundation and Cascadia Green Building Council.

Doors Open Vancouver 2014

When: Saturday, October 4

Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where: All around Vancouver


@DoorsOpenVan | Facebook | Instagram


Feature image: Lucas Finlay

Vancity Buzz is a proud media sponsor of Doors Open Vanocuver

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