VCB on the Burrard Bridge Bike Lane Trial

Dec 19 2017, 11:51 am

Unlike other sites where residents have been transplanted into Vancouver because it’s the thing to do if you’re young, the bloggers at VCB are born and raised Vancouverites. We never lived in Surrey and believe me none of us will ever move there. So at last night’s weekly VcB meet up at NO. 5 Orange I asked MJS and UD what they thought about the Burrard Bridge bike fiasco. Here is what they had to say:
Urban Dweller: As someone who uses that bridge to get to Kits Beach on the daily, I’m pissed off. The amount of money wasted in studies and trials could have built an extensionto the existing bridge and thus give the dimwit politicians something else to chew on. Instead they keep wasting their time with this shit. Gregor, we get it you ride a bike to work. Kudos to you, guess what I walk to work, do I deserve a pat on the back too.You gotta remember how many fucking cyclists are there and do they pay insurance, NO! So I say build the fucking pedestrian/cyclist bridge for the vocal minority, which is what this city is all about anyways. You got a bunch asshat cyclists whose shorts have been riding to far up there ass lets just shut them up already.

Gregor you’ve already fucked up on the homelessness and now this debacle. You better bring UFC and the Whitecaps stadium to the forefront or face the uncertainty of getting your ass handed to you by voters next go around.

I wonder if a study was done to see how much pollution is created by all the car idling through traffic now. Egregious asshattery at its finest. Only in Vancouver people, only in Vancouver.

Money J Skeets: I encourage cyclists as it keeps chicks looking fine, trim and their assess tight as muthafucka.

Vancity Buzz: Let the trial run its course. People are inherently creatures of habit and it will take time for drivers to shift on over to the Granville Street Bridge. Ultimately though I think the pedestrian/cyclist bridge is the way to go, however, the location, cost and design still need further discussion.

There you go folks an inside glimpse of the space alien magicians of Vancity Buzz bloggers.