Keep on the lookout for the Moustache Police (VIDEO)

Dec 19 2017, 4:47 pm

Mo Bros in BC have grown almost 53 metres of moustache hair so far… that’s about twice the height of the Burrard Bridge. Moustache rope ladder anyone?! While the mercury is dropping in Vancouver, men across the city are keeping their upper lips warm by growing and grooming their moustaches. We’re nearly two weeks into this year’s campaign, and Vancouver has never looked better.

Quick Movember info:

  • At last count, over 16,645 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas have registered in BC, and Over 143,000 across Canada
  • Combined, these Mo Bros and Mo Sistas have raised over $6.8 million
  • Canada leading worldwide in fundraising: Check the leaderboard here on for real time updates.

[youtube id=”JWNsGQ2ePN0″ align=”center”]

Register your Mo!
We’ve been enlisted by the Moustache Police to assist in their crackdown on unregistered moustaches. Everyone who has started growing, or plans to start a little late, should register on