Vancouverites Bask in Sunshine While Central Canada Reports Record Rainfall

Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

The Urban Dweller is all too aware of the crappy rain filled winters that plague Vancouver for 3 or so months out of the year. In comparison to Central Canada atleast it doesn’t snow as much and the temperature is more bearable year round

So when summer rolls around I take full advantage of the sunshine that the weather gods have brought upon us. Can’t say that about Eastern Canada this year as Montreal, Ottawa and that smoggy dump by the lake have reported record amounts of rain. How much you ask? Try 5 times the amount Vancouver has received this summer. Last year it was hot and smoggy, this year its rainy and muggy in Central Canada.

The Urban Dweller is leaving the office early today to enjoy the Vancouver summer. Possibly hit up one of the fine beaches across town if it gets warmer. Have fun umbrella shopping out there in Central Canada.

Update: Soon after I finished writing this, the weather gods kicked me in the face, the day is now grey . Damn you weather gods! Developing…

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