It's going to feel like 33ºC degrees in Vancouver tomorrow

Jul 18 2020, 4:18 pm

Saturday might be hoving around highs of 28ºC with the humidex, but tomorrow things are expected to heat up a little more.

Environment Canada is calling for clear sunny skies for the day, with a high of 24ºC and 29ºC inland. The humidex is going to bump that up even further with coastal highs of 29ºC and 33ºC inland.

At night, the skies will remain clear with a low of 16ºC.

Environment Canada

Monday is expected to keep the sunny weather, as clear skies are in the forecast with highs of 25ºC and lows of 16ºC at night.

“June and the beginning of July have been really, abnormally wet,” Matt McDonald, meteorologist at Environment Canada, tells Daily Hive. “Particularly that first week of July, if you remember Canada Day.”

McDonald says that the next few days will showcase “the typical temperatures that we see at this time of year.”

He explains that the streak of warm weather is due to a ridge of high pressure that draws northwesterly flow into British Columbia.

“It’s favourable circulation for beautiful warm weather, but it’s not exactly the perfect setup for extremely hot weather.”

McDonald adds that it’s not just local residents that are being affected by Vancouver’s previous string of wet weather. BC’s agriculture has been affected, such as raspberries growing mould due to wet conditions and cherries bursting from excess moisture in the Okanagan.

“On the positive side, the fire danger rating is almost nonexistent,” he points out. “It’s been a super quiet summer from a wildfire perspective and we’re finally also getting out of the woods from a flooding perspective.”

With files from Vince Plana.

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