Vancouver support the fireworks

Dec 19 2017, 2:02 pm

brand.LIVE is all about trying new things. While the Honda Celebration of Light is not in danger (thanks to all the amazing sponsors), funds are always tight. The ultimate vision is to create a 10 day multi-faceted festival. You can see these additions with Sunset Beach’s Shorefest, the NBA 3X, and the Red Bull Air show which will be returning next year. This year definitely feels like more of a carnival along the beach and most Vancouverites we’ve talked to love it as it becomes a day long event.

In order to make this a reality they have launched a donate page via Global Currents. Fans don’t have to donate, but if they liked their experience and want to contribute, the festival would be greatly appreciative. All proceeds go to the non-profit Vancouver Fireworks Festival Society and will go towards new programming, volunteers and operations. As Vancouverites have a tendancy to complain there isn’t anything to do, you must realize funds are limited, thus it’s up to us as a community to support festivals and donate whatever little amount you can.

Spread the love to your friends, coworkers and family and support the fireworks.

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