Vancouver ranked world's 4th greenest city

Dec 19 2017, 8:29 pm

Another day, another global list that finds Vancouver among the top finishers. A new study ranks Vancouver fourth when it comes to how “green” our city seems to be.

The Global Green Economy Index took a look this year at 60 countries, examining factors like agriculture, cleantech, buildings, forests, fisheries, biodiversity, air quality, transport, and many more.

Since GGEI limited the study to select nations and cities, there were only three Canadian cities (Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa) and three U.S. cities (Los Angeles, New York, Washington D.C.) included. Those cities were chosen for having the strongest “perception” of being green among the nation’s largest metropolitan areas.

For Canada, while we have a strong “green economy,” our overall score was dragged down by our “head of state, media coverage, behavior in international forums and climate change performance.”

But take pride, Vancouver: Our city’s individual ranking outpaces the country’s performance.

When it comes to how “green” these select cities in the countries studied are perceived to be, the three cities ranking higher than Vancouver are three Nordic cities from high-performing green nations: Copenhagen (1), Amsterdam (2), and Stockholm (3).

Featured image: Mowing the Convention Centre’s green roof, October 2014 (Photo courtesy Vancouver Convention Centre)

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